Question: Define what market competition is and how it pertains to any one or all of these rivalries. How are these rivalries reflected through the effective use of both traditional offline and emerging online marketing and media? McDonalds Vs. Burger King
Summary: In researching McDonalds and Burger King I discovered how different both companies were at the same time how similar they are. When deciding on which one to go to it is not only about taste but also how they advertised to you and what product stuck out the most.
Reason: I believe the reason for this question was to show how advertisement really affects everyday life. This is a huge part of marketing and getting a company’s name out. If one is not effective with advertisement their company may not last very long in the market with other rivals.
Purpose: I believe the purpose for this question was to make students think about how competition works with advertisement and how it affects top brands that are used daily. America runs off of these products/companies we as customers should be able to understand how they compete with their rivals and how advertisement plays in.
Direction: The direction this question has left me in is wanting to know if Burger King will every try to improve their menu and truly compete with McDonalds. After looking at both companies websites I noticed that McDonalds really was the universal company trying to appeal to everyone. It will be interesting if in the future Burger King makes a huge come back.
Impressions: The biggest impression is when I found the statistics about the calories and nutrition aspect of the Whopper vs. the Big Mac. I always thought they both were comparably close in carbs and fats. I was surprised to see the Whopper was 130 calories more than the Big Mac.
Part II
Answer: Market competition is vital for a company to progress and keep improving its product. Without competition there is no need for improvement because you are the only one to sell that certain product. Along with competition comes advertising, this as well is vital for the survival of your company against competitors. Market competition is defined as follows, “Competition in economics is a term that encompasses the notion of individuals and firms striving for a greater share of a market to sell or buy goods and services” (https://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=market+competition&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=jhi_ToyLDtS30QHL04yeAw&sqi=2&ved=0CBoQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=609d4f749ce15644&biw=1366&bih=638).
One of the biggest company rivalries is between McDonalds and Burger King. When you see one building you will always see the other down the road. With McDonalds in the lead of Burger King the company still has to watch its back. Burger King is slowly trying to change a few things to make its way past McDonalds. Advertising is a great way to get a new product out there and to show your customers why you are better. One way to advertise is through television or the internet. However, Burger King did not do great advertisement when they showed the King stealing McDonald’s breakfast egg sandwich recipe. At the end of the commercial it states “It’s not that original but its super affordable” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF86Rb-uFNE&feature=player_embedded). Some state that this commercial does not help them look better than McDonalds because “Burger King is advertising themselves as thieves stealing McDonalds recipe, Burger King admits that McDonalds has better ideas, and Burger King’s strategy is to price cut vs. innovate” (http://businessmodelinstitute.com/burger-king-concedes-to-mcdonald%E2%80%99s-business-model/). When logging onto their websites Burger Kings is all about making it your way (http://www.bk.com/en/us/index.html?sp=1) while McDonalds shows you their newest product (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/home.html). From there both websites are similar, they both contain their products and nutrition along with their history. Also, on Facebook McDonalds has 11,594,400 likes while Burger King only has 1,832,242 (http://www.facebook.com/McDonalds and http://www.facebook.com/burgerking). Along with this only 47,683 talk about Burger King while 130,946 talk about McDonalds on facebook. This shows how just online how different both companies are. Who is their biggest customer to advertise to? Children. This is because the kids will beg their parents to take them so they can get the toy. Their advertisement for children is very costly and so are their partnerships with companies, like Disney, to produce these products. When a child watches television they are bound to see at least one commercial for these companies. This is done on purpose. These companies know that if they put a commercial on that appeal to the younger generation they will get more customers.
The second way to advertise is through traditional build boards or visual advertisement. Burger King does make them self look better when they advertise that they flame broil their burgers. They are trying to appeal to the customers that want a less “greasy” burger. McDonalds also uses its diverse menu in their newest commercial to appeal to more customers. They now sell apple dippers, fruit and yogurt and fruit and walnut salad, along with side salads. While Burger King only sells side salads. Also, along with the “healthy” aspect of fast food the Big Mac is better than the Whopper “the Big Mac weighing in at 540 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 45 grams of carbs, is the better alternative to the Whopper, which boasts 670 calories, 39 grams of fat, and 51 grams of carbs. And that is without cheese on it.” (http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2007/04/09/mcdonalds-vs-burger-king-battle-of-the-brands/) . With these statistics comes your health and which one appeals to your taste buds better.
Both companies are racing head to head in this market. McDonalds may be in the lead but Burger King is still making some hefty profit. Advertisement is the best way to get your name out there and for customers to see your products. Rivalry will always occur in any market. However, one company will always do better than the other.
As with all of the postings, let's get the format "stuff" out of the way with first and see and whether or not you followed instructions. You did and as for your argument, it was supported by some very good research. You state or, support the concept that competition drives business and it does! Your examples of of BK's attempts show a company that would be rudderless without the competitive element. If they faced little or no competition I don't think they would survive. What you didn't mention was the relative David and Goliath size of BK (David) and McD (Goliath) in this competition. This fact would have given you and the reader a bit more perspective on the scope of the competition. However, the posting still stands on its own without it. As I have told other students that I've commented on, the importance of good writing skills, does in deed determine the level of your professionalism. In your case, you have good basic skills. Improving them will improve your communication impact. To get better at writing, you have to write and write some more and keep on writing. Business is, for the most part, about not just about crunching numbers but communicating orders and ideas as well as you can. The better your communication skills, the more likely you are to secure your place in the business world. As, I've told everyone, it is indeed all about communication. How you communicate reflects on whether or not you are perceived as not only credible, but professional as well.